DGlink media switches and stage boxes were specifically designed to meet the dynamic digital audio, lighting, and video transport requirements for live events and onsite broadcast applications. Designed for the live event professional in mind, DGlink products are configurable, ruggedized, and redundant, leveraging the latest electronics to support most contemporary audio, video, and lighting protocols.
Digital Stage Box, Splitter, Snake
Modular and fully configurable, DGlink stage boxes allow for the selection of audio protocols, number of inputs and outputs, connectors, and layouts. Introduced in 2010, DGlink was the first digital stage box to support Dante. Designed to be compatible with existing analog cabling and sub snake systems, the digital electronics can be coupled with analog components such as transformer splits and LK multipin connectors to easily integrate with your existing infrastructure.
Ruggedized Redundant Switches
DGlink 19” rack mountable switches leverage the latest electronics from CiscoTM, Extreme NetworksTM, and LuminexTM packaged in a robust enclosure with touring grade connectors. Redundant power supply and PCB configurations are available to ensure 100% uptime for your critical applications.
Multi-Network Optical Backbone (MOB)
The DGlink MOB incorporates WDM and MTP/MPO technologies to deliver a framework that transports up to 24 discrete networks over a hybrid power+data backbone. Leveraging hybrid LK Connectors and Eurocables, DGlink MOB is designed for large broadcast and entertainment applications that require power and signals be transported over extended distances.
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